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National Aging in Place Association

The National Aging in Place Council® is a senior support network. We work together to solve your problems. NAIPC® was founded on the belief that an overwhelming majority of older Americans want to remain in their homes for as long as possible, but lack awareness of home and community-based services that make independent living possible.

Most Americans do not make a plan to age in place, although you should start thinking about one before you plan to retire. Creating a plan can prevent unexpected events from turning into crises that compromise one’s ability to live independently.

Just as many of us made a plan to go to college, we should have a plan to age. In planning for college, we knew what school we would attend, approximately what we would spend on books and tuition, where we would live and what we would do for transportation. A plan to age needs to be just as detailed and just as common.

If that is your goal, we urge you to take advantage of our senior support network. Our members are experts in healthcare, financial services, elder law, design and home remodeling. We are dedicated to helping meet the needs of our aging population, and assist you so that you can remain independent in the housing of your choice.

Our Mission

NAIPC® wants to be your primary informational resource so that you remain active and healthy throughout your retirement years.

We have established a network of professionals from the private, public and non-profit sectors who can help you plan for your future housing and care needs.

Our web site provides additional ideas and information to help you accomplish whatever goals you may have.

NAIPC® works to achieve our mission by:

  • Reaching out to seniors.
  • Establishing local Aging in Place Councils among businesses, public agencies, non-profit organizations, the aging in place professional network, and the health care system. Homeowners benefit if professionals from the various disciplines are knowledgeable about one another, and better professional referral networks are established.Increasing the level of knowledge and skills of Aging in Place professionals from a wide variety of fields whose collaboration and involvement is essential to insuring greater public access to programs and support services that promote independent living.
  • Advocating for policies, regulations and business practices that promote Aging in Place.
  • Promoting National Aging in Place Week and other events through various media. During this week, members of the National Aging in Place Council® coordinate events in their communities to highlight local programs and services available to help increase independent living.


1400 16th St. NW Ste 420
Washington, DC 20036



Office:  202.939.1770

Email: [email protected]