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National Aging in Place Council

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The National Aging in Place Council® (NAIPC®) is an association of of businesses that provide services to people who are aging in place.

Aging in place is a term used to describe the act of living at home as long as possible as you age, while getting any services or assistance you need to remain at home. The National Aging in Place Council was formed with the belief that people want to age in place, but are not aware of the resources that would make aging in place possible. Also, people often times do not make appropriate plans for their later years; NAIPC members can help individuals learn more about what it takes to age in place, local resources and more.

The National Aging in Place Council is designed to be a network of support for older consumers, so they might continue to lead active, healthy lives while they are growing older. In some cities, there are NAIPC Chapters where service providers and businesses work together to see that the needs of their clients are met. Their goal is to be a resource for older consumers at a local level and advocate for initiatives that promote aging in place, including policies, regulations and business practices.

You can learn more about the NAIPC by visiting the National Aging in Place Council website

Contact Person: Contact us
Years in business: 15

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